Our headliner and attendees discussed the changing retail and e-commerce landscape, as well as trends to be aware of in the near future.

HEADLINER Bernt Ullmann, CBA

TAKE AWAY The e-commerce/DTC marketplace is vast and at times daunting, so it’s important to maintain a combination of adaptability while also staying true to your business’ core focus.

SPONSORS JGR Capital Group


The evening consisted of a deep dive into current & upcoming legislation, and how that plays a role in the real estate investment arena.

HEADLINER James Whelan, President, REBNY

TAKE AWAY There are many new and proposed legislative actions being proposed in Albany that can have a profound impact on the NY real estate market. It’s increasingly important to stay on top of what’s happening politically. Further, there’s reason now more than ever to look beyond just NY for real estate deals.

SPONSORS Bank of England Mortgage

Headliner ENTERTAINMENT - an Intimate Concert and Conversation with Grammy Award Winning Percussionist Adonis Rose & Special guest melanie scholtz

From hearing about Adonis Rose’s musical upbringing and his work spreading the love of Jazz across the country, to the inspiring singing from Melanie Scholtz, the evening was both fun and highly educational.

HEADLINER Adonis Rose, Grammy Award Winning Percussionist

TAKE AWAY There are infinite forms of jazz, and the genre itself has a very complex history. Whether you already know you love jazz or you’re a sceptic, there’s always something to learn and a new form that may sweep you off your feet.



The evening covered every important topic impacting new development sales, from inventory, absorption, consumer sentiment, legislation, and taxation.

HEADLINER Ryan Schleis, SVP, Research & Analytics, Corcoran, Corcoran Sunshine, and Citi Habitats

TAKE AWAY There are nearly 10,000 units in Manhattan alone that need to be sold. It is a buyer’s market and developers are negotiating. Now is the time to buy.

SPONSORS NYRS, Starry, Dorian Lam

HEADLINER TALKS - BWTT | Connecting the Dots: How to Gain Access and Close Funding

The group explored how to build a narrative that will attract the attention of investors, ways to define what type of investment and investor is right for their business, and how to make the ask.

HEADLINERS Lori Katz, Owner, Magnolia Willow; Katherine Hill Ritchie, Director, Nottingham Spirk Family Office / Founder, Private Capital Investments, LLC; Angelina Darrisaw, CEO, C-Suite Coach

TAKE AWAY Know your pitch inside and out and don’t be afraid to ask for money.


Busting the Myths of Negotiation: Changing Behavior and Closing Deals in a Challenged Market

Top international negotiation experts lead a discussion on how senior level executives should prepare for a negotiation.  How to prepare, close, and build relationships along the way. 

HEADLINERS Brian Buck, CEO, Scotwork; Randy Kutz, Negotiation Expert, Scotwork

TAKE AWAY There is a proven 8 step process to prepare for a successful negotiation. That process will train even top experts to change their behavior and negotiate from a point of strength.

SPONSOR Bank of England Mortgage, NYRS

Women in the C-Suite: Becoming a high-powered executive is more than a man’s game. How psychology, fortitude, whit and feminine mystique can make you an unstoppable force.

A discussion with Maëlle Gavat, COO of Compass, about the experience of being a high-profile, female executive and what comes along with the job.

HEADLINER Maëlle Gavet, COO, Compass

TAKE AWAY The demands on a female executive are far different than that of a man. Once at the top, you have to continue to prove yourself. But with the support of the community, things are beginning to change equality is a real part of the conversation.


If It Glitters, Its Gold: Finding the Opportunities in Opportunity Zones

A conversation on the state of the new OZ laws that impact investment, funding, and long-term tax benefits.

HEADLINER Patrick J O’Sullivan, Partner, Herrick

TAKE AWAY The laws still need to be ironed out, and defining real opportunity is tough when balancing asset appreciation, tax benefits, and other investment opportunities.

SPONSOR Dorian Lam; JGR Holdings, LLC

The future office: Developing co-working space that works

Focused discussion on the benefits and drawbacks of highly specialized co-working space vs broad spectrum tenant pool, how the property owners work with operators to maximize value, and ways to improve the model.

HEADLINER Michael Rudin, SVP, Rudin Management

TAKE AWAY There is still great opportunity in the market for smaller, more specialized service oriented co-working space models to compete and grow.

SPONSOR World Wide Insurance

is luxury dead? From Conversations to Commissions: How to close more deals in today’s challenging market, what influences consumer behavior, and what does luxury really mean.

Top real estate brokers from around the U.S., from the most expensive markets, shared stories on the state of the market in their regions. They defined what a property must offer to define it as luxury.

HEADLINER Leonard Steinberg, Chief Evangelist, Compass

TAKE AWAY Many commonalities and parallels were established during the evening, and all participants walked away with new techniques to close big clients.

SPONSOR Wells Fargo; Alexis Tieu; JGR Holdings, LLC

women & finance - How to Manage Success | Finance |Ego: Building wealth, defining legacy, and giving back in today’s complex financial market

A discussion about the demands on a successful woman in the workplace, how she can create legacy for future generations, and how to set herself up financially to manage it all.

HEADLINER Sterling McDavid, Co-Founder, Burnett New York

TAKE AWAY Guests walked away with financial planning knowledge to build their legacy and enjoy life.

SPONSOR Drucker Wealth Management; Vin and Fin

NYC NEW DEVELOPMENT CONDO MARKET - PART ONE: everything you should know when buying in new development

The process of how to sell to buyers in today’s market was discussed in detail. Brokers shared stories on techniques to negotiate offers, create value for their clients, and approach developers for the best deal.

HEADLINER Anna Zarro, Founder, Anna Zarro Consulting

TAKE AWAY Today’s market is eschewed towards the buyer, and new development product is one of the best places to negotiate a deal for clients.


NYC NEW DEVELOPMENT CONDO MARKET - PART TWO: everything you should know when buying in new development

Insight from a leading midsize New York City developer about the development process, where he sees the market, and how to close deals with a developer.

HEADLINER Eric Brody, COO, Wonder Works Construction

TAKE AWAY Guests garnered intimate insight into how developers think, and different ways to negotiation terms that everyone is happy with.

SPONSOR Valley National; NYRS

How foreign investors are looking at the New York City market for investment, capital security, the US dollar, and quality of life

Exploration into the world of foreign investment and the state of the EB5 program was discussed. In addition, the new markets that are funneling assets into the U.S. at scale such as Vietnam and Mexico.

HEADLINER Erika Banach, Director, Extell New York Regional Center

TAKE AWAY The EB5 program’s new rules and regulations could potentially reduce the amount of foreign investment in the short term. Long term for capital preservation, diversification of currency and assets, foreign capital will always be attracted to the U.S.

SPONSOR Abrams, Garfinkel, Margolis, & Bergson; NYRS

if you build it…will they come? How architecture defines a building, a street, and a community

Intimate discussion on an architect’s creative process. How to create value, define spaces, and change a neighborhood’s landscape for the better.

HEADLINER Morris Adjmi, Principal, Morris Adjmi Architects

TAKE AWAY Quality design is invaluable to consumers. Creating a unique project is what people seek and expect to see in today’s market.


building a brand, brick by brick: How a highly successful developer builds a stalwart following

Conversation around developing a signature product and how that creates security and adds value to the consumer. Insight on the process, craftsmanship, and narrative of the company’s brand was discussed as well.

HEADLINER Joe McMillan, Chairman & CEO, DDG Partners

TAKE AWAY Similar to heritage brands, when a luxury condo delivers consistent product it will result in higher sales prices even in fringe markets.


The Future of NYC Real Estate - The Art of Conversions: Turning Old Into New

An evening with developer Ben Shaoul of Magnum Real Estate Group to discuss the intricate process of restoring an architecturally significant building, and the value it brings to the inhabitants.

HEADLINER Ben Shaoul, President, Magnum Real Estate Group

TAKE AWAY It is more difficult to restore a building than it is to build new. But, the value in return is owning a part of New York City history and a preservation of the past.


NYC DEVelopment: building future inventory - How to Differentiate Your Development in a Growing Market

A discussion on how a developer builds a brand, their creative process, the struggles of controlling costs, and delivering an exceptional product.

HEADLINERS Todd Cohen & Terrence Lowenberg, Founders, Icon Realty Management

TAKE AWAY The pricing to purchase a quality product directly reflects the time and consideration the development team puts in. In many ways it is far less expensive than building a custom product on your own.

SPONSOR First Republic; NYRS